Submission Guidelines
Step 1: Please download the paper template below for your article writing (Maximum number of pages for submission is 5).
Step 2: By submitting a paper, an author and all co-authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the IOP Proceedings Licence. For more detail information, please read the link below carefully.
Step 3: Submit your paper (MsWord format).
Please name your paper starting with Conference name and followed by your paper title. For example:
ICADME019_Trends and Vision of Hybrid Composites .doc
Step 4: Wait for responses from reviewers on your manuscript. You will be required to re-upload your manuscript to the same account should your manuscript is found to require further corrections.
Step 5: Kindly make payment to confirm your attendance.
Step 6: Please fill in an online registration form to confirm your attendance in the following link.
**Please let us know how many papers you will present at the conference, and don't forget to submit proof of payment as well!
We look forward to seeing you at the conference despite your busy schedule.