Tutorial | Title | Speaker(s) |
1 | Agent based Classifier Design and Applications | Prof Dr CP Lim & Dr Annas Quteishat Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, MALAYSIA. Email: cplim123@yahoo.com |
2 | Kinematics, Dynamics and Optimal Trajectory Planning of Industrial Manipulators | Prof Dr Atef A Ata Faculty of Engineering, Alexsndia University, Alexandria, EGYPT. Email: atefa@ymail.com |
3 | Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems (i-MARS) |
Prof Dr Shamsudin Amin Director, Research University Secretariat, Chancellory, University Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, MALAYSIA. Email: sham@fke.utm.my |
4 | Cochlear Mechanics | Prof Dr S J Elliot Professor and Director Signal Processing & Control Group Institute of Sound Vibrations Research (ISVR), Southampton University, Southampton, 5017 1BJ, UNITED KINGDOM. Email: sje@isvr.soton.ac.uk |
5 | Introduction to Data Mining and its Application to Mechanical Engineering | Dr. Ahmed Zeki Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, MALAYSIA. Email: amzeki@iiu.edu.my |
6 | Shape Design Algorithms in Thermo Fluid Engineering Problems | Assoc Prof Dr Ali Ashrafizadeh Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K N Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN. Email: ashrafizadeh@kntu.ac.ir |
7 | Thermal Management in Electrical Systems | Prof Dr K N Seetharamu PES Institute of technology, 100 Ft. Ring Road, BSK III Stage Bangalore – 560085, INDIA Email: knseetharamu@yahoo.com |
8 | Reverse Engineering | Prof Dr Siva Prasad Professor of Mechanical Engineering, I.I.T. Madras, Chennai, INDIA. Email : sivacae@yahoo.co.in |
9 | Tools and Methods for Integrated Scheduling Problems | Dr Ghada El Khayat Industrial Engineering Department, Alexandria Institute of Engineering and Technology, Marine Engineering Department, Alexandria University. EGYPT Email: ghadaek@gmail.com |
10 | Fuzzy Systems Approach To Human Factors, Analysis And Reliability | Professor Dr Junzow Watada Waseda University Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems 2-7 Hibikino, Wakamatsu, Kitakyushushi, Fukuoka 808-135 JAPAN E-mail: junzow@osb.att.ne.jp |
Please refer to the table below for the schedule:
Hall & Time | Title/Tutorial Expert |
9.00 am to 12 noon (with a 15 mts tea break and no lunch) |
1) Agent based Classifier Design and Applications (Prof C P Lim & Dr Annas Quteishat) 2) Kinematics, Dynamics and Optimal Trajectory Planning of Industrial Manipulators (Prof Dr Atef A Ata) 3) Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems (i-MARS) (Prof Dr Shamsudin Amin) 4) Introduction to Data Mining and its Application to Mechanical Engineering (Dr. Ahmed Zeki) 5) Shape Design Algorithms in Thermo Fluid Engineering Problems (Assoc Prof Dr Ali Ashrafizadeh) |
2.00 to 5.00 pm (with a 15 mts teabreak) |
6) Thermal Management in Electrical Systems (Prof Dr K N Seetharamu) 7) Reverse Engineering (Prof Dr Siva Prasad) 8) Tools and Methods for Integrated Scheduling Problems (Dr Ghada El Khayat) 9) Fuzzy Systems Approach to Human Factors, Analysis and Reliability (Prof Junzow Watada) 10) Man, Mind and Machine: Modeling through Fuzzy logic (Professor Srikanta Patnaik) |