Google Map Module For Joomla
Hey site owners! Are you searching for the most simple way to integrate Google Map on your site? Have been got stuck trying to find an approach that you can rely on? Since you badly know that, how much important to have Google map location tracker on a site. It helps to make a website complete in its every surface hence it let you focus on another works. Our **Xpert Google Map** smartly take the responsibility to integrate Google Map and provide you the most flexible working experience ever. Now, here is the most exciting part! We offer this obligate, tremendously useful stuff absolutely free of cost. Isn’t that great? Well,. Now let’s go through, whats make it that smart, capable of doing so much for you. ## Key Features * One click installation * * Simple configuration * No coding required * Enriched documentation * Possibly the simplest way to configure google map * Everything over your control * Absolutely free of cost * Map api can be found easily by a simple google search * Customizable marker image * Custom latitude and longitude fields * Customizable size * Easy defining module position * Multiple styles of showing map * Control over defining zoom level * Everything is beyond easy * Elegant front-end appearance * Control over showing in specific pages or hide from all pages as per needs and much more. ## One Click Installation ![](images/xdocs/joomla-extensions/tx-google-map/1.png) Probably you’re thinking and worry about its installation process. Let me clear, its not gonna even take 5 seconds. One click installation process will give you the flexibility to install it just by one click. It required a click and at beast 2 seconds and you’re done! ## No Coding Configuration, It's beyond Simple ![](images/xdocs/joomla-extensions/tx-google-map/2.png) If you’re a guy who doesn’t have any idea how to do so with backend coding, even if you’re completely unused to with coding, you can still configure it within a minute. You only need the *latitude* and *longitude* value of the location you want to mapped with it and that's gonna be found easily through a simple google search. ## Everything is over your Control ![](images/xdocs/joomla-extensions/tx-google-map/3.png) Xpert Google Map allows you to effortlessly assign your location through Google map.Here, nothing is complicated while you have access to use it according to your wants. You will have the access over using custom marker icon, setting custom latitude as well as longitude, setting the custom height of the module, selecting map type, defining zoom level, styling map and much more. ## Elegant Front-end Appearance ![](images/xdocs/joomla-extensions/tx-google-map/4.png) It will show you the front-end in such a way that it looks neat and nifty, therefore no chance for your visitors/ users to get confused at all. It shows your defined location exactly what you want it to show.
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Apr 27, 2017
Joomla 3.x