Are you searching for a Joomla website template for your news or magazine website?

One that ensures things like:

  • proper content structure for news
  • SEO optimized structure
  • A premium browsing experience for your site visitors
  • A design that maximizes page hold rate for your website

Instant page

Well Introducing Newsifi, our latest and greatest Joomla 5 compatible template designed to make your news, magazine, or blog site stand out like never before.

Whether you're breaking the latest news, diving into in-depth analysis, or sharing vibrant lifestyle stories, Newsifi has all the features you need to captivate your audience.

Built on the robust Quix builder, Newsifi ensures a smooth, flexible, and efficient setup process, allowing you to say goodbye to cluttered layouts and hello to a sleek, modern interface that will keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. With Newsifi, your news site will not only inform but also inspire.

Key Features of Newsifi Joomla News Template

  • Responsive Design
  • Modern and Clean Aesthetic
  • No Coding Required
  • Multi-Purpose Design 
  • Structured Content Layout
  • Featured Articles Section
  • Category-specific Sections
  • Visual Emphasis on Headlines
  • Thumbnail Images with Articles
  • Highlight News Section
  • Subscription Call-to-Action
  • Comprehensive Footer
  • Navigation Menu
  • Search Functionality
  • Login and Subscription Options

Responsive Design

Home Page 1

The layout adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring a great user experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Just click on the image above and try the demo yourself!

Modern and Clean Aesthetic

modern clean aesthetic

The design is clean and modern, with a focus on readability and visual appeal. The use of whitespace and well-organized content blocks enhance the user experience.

No Coding Required

quix no coding required

The Quix Builder allows you to build your site without any coding knowledge. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes website building a breeze.

Multi-Purpose Design



This template is designed to be flexible. You can make it just a blog news site or a full-fledged multi-media news website. The functionality is there because of the Quix builder; the choice is yours!

Structured Content Layout

The template uses a structured content layout with clearly defined sections such as "Latest News," "Highlight News," "What's New in Technology," "Life and Living," "What's Happening in Politics," and "Culture and Lifestyle." This organization helps users easily navigate and find content.


"Latest Received" Slider Section

latest news

The "Latest Received" section prominently features the most recent news stories on a slider, which draws attention to important recent news events that site visitors can glance over and receive their quick doze of current news.

Category-specific Sections

category specific sections

Various sections dedicated to different categories (e.g., Technology, Business, Sports, Life and Living) allow for specialized content curation and easy access to category-specific news.

Visual Emphasis on Headlines

visual emphasis on headlines

Headlines are bold and prominent, making it easy for readers to scan and find stories of interest quickly.

Search Functionality


An integrated search bar in the navigation menu enables users to quickly find specific content.

Login and Subscription Options

subscription login

Options for user login and subscription directly accessible from the top navigation bar, encouraging user registration and engagement.

Why Choose Newsifi?

Newsifi is designed for both readers and publishers. Its clean and modern design ensures your content is presented in the best possible light, while its robust features offer everything you need to run a successful news website.

Jmedia banner

From responsive design and advanced content management to muiltpurpose layout and SEO optimization, Newsifi has it all.

Explore Newsifi today and transform your news website into a professional and engaging platform.

Get Newsifi Now!